BURNT [the eternal long now] by LEE\VAKULYA
In BURNT [the eternal long now], Chen-Wei Lee and Zoltán Vakulya choreographically explores burnout as a collective, social phenomenon. In a relentless drive of action and effort, three dancers burn their energy into a danced rat race – a dance that mirrors a widely shared feeling of unrest and exhaustion.
LEE\VAKULYA is a collaborative duo by Chen-Wei Lee and Zoltán Vakulya. The two have been working together since 2016, making several stage works and museum/gallery format exhibitions and performances. Their artistic view is focused on the delicate relations between human beings and society while touching on vulnerable issues on the questions of boundaries and proximity, they push the limits of partnership and empathy.
choreography: LEE\VAKULYA direction: Zoltán Vakulya performance: Chen-Wei Lee, Esse Vanderbruggen, Charlotte Petersen music: Gryllus Abris dramaturgy: Alice Van der Wielen-Honinckx light design: Bert Van Dijck, Xavi Moreno stage design: LEE\VAKULYA stage advice: Ding-Yeh Wang costume design: LEE\VAKULYA costume advice: Eric Tsai
production: kunstencentrum nona (Belgium)
co-production: STUK Arts Center vzw (Belgium), CCNR National Choreographic Center De Rillieux-La-Pape(France), National Theater & Concert Hall (Taiwan), Hessisches Staatsballet in the frame of Tanzplattform Rhein Main, a collaboration project between the Hessisches Staatsballet in Staatstheater Darmstadt and Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden and Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt(Germany)
residences: kunstencentrum nona, VIERNULVIER Ghent, Thor Brussels, L’animal a L’esquena Celra, State Theater Darmstadt. Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture / Development support Weiwuying National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts
with the support: Flemish Culture Ministry of Belgium, Taiwan National Culture and Arts Foundation, Sunny Weng